Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gradual Blurred Vision OU for 6 months

Age / Race / Gender: 47 year old black female
Chief Complaint: Blurry vision OU
Onset: Gradual over the last 6 months.
Location: OU
Severity: mild
Duration: 6 months to a year.
Relieving Factors: Glasses help but need updating.
Patient Ocular History: Last eye exam 3 years prior.  Patient received bifocal glasses.
Family Ocular History: (-) Glaucoma.  
Patient Medical History
  • DM type 2 for 8 years.  Blood sugar levels and HbA1c unknown.   
  • Hypertension for 2 years. 
  • Last Physical exam 1 year prior.  Patient reported normal results and good health.  
Family Medical History: (+) DM type 2. Father, HTN Father.
Review of Systems: Within normal limits
Clinical Findings: BCVA: 20/40 OD, 20/25 OS
Pupils: WNL (-) APD
Conf Fields: Full to finger counting OU
IOP: 17mmHg OD,  16mmHg OS.
Slit Lamp: Anterior segment is clear and WNL, (-) NVI.  Lens was clear.
Dilated Fundus Exam: See Photos below


See the comments for assessment and plan

1 comment:

  1. Assessment:
    1. Sever proliferative diabetic retinopathy OU
    2. Vitreous Hemorrhage OU
    3. CSME OD
    1-3. Patient referred to ophthalmology for surgical evaluation. Patient also referred to PCP for diabetic evaluation.
