Monday, May 23, 2011

I was driving to work when I suddenly couldn't see

Age / Race / Gender: 36 year old white female
Chief Complaint: Sudden loss of vision OD
Onset: This AM while driving to work.
Location: Right field of vision
Severity: Moderate
Duration: Started 45 min prior
Relieving Factors: None
Patient Ocular History: No significant history
Family Ocular History: Non-Contributory
Patient Medical History:
  • Patient is currently 6 months pregnant without complications.
  • No HTN
  • No DM
Family Medical History: Non-contributory
Review of Systems: Within normal limits
Clinical Findings: VA: 20/20 OU
Pupils: WNL (-) APD
Conf Fields: Temporal Restriction OD.
IOP: 16mmHg OU
Slit Lamp: WNL
Non-Dilated Retinal View: WNL
See Visual Fields Below:
OS: 9:41am
OD 9:31am
OD: 11:01am
OD: 1:55pm

See the Comments for the Assesment and Plan.


  1. Assessment: Ocular Migraine OD

    Plan: Patient told she could drink a coke and we would monitor her during the day. Migraine medication was contraindicated due to pregnancy.

    Notes / Followup : The patient worked very close to office and was able to stop in periodically for an HVF. Over the course of a few hours her symptoms cleared as did her visual field.
