Monday, August 15, 2011

Your Cornea Reminds Me of this trip I took to the Great Lakes...

Guest Post:

Age/Race/Gender: 57 Hispanic Male
CC: 57 yo male presents for f/u recurrent HSK OD.

HPI: 1 active presentation OD, 1 recurrence w/in 1 year OD. Patient denies redness, photophobia, or change in vision. NO flashes, floaters, or ocular pain. Complains of itching after instillation of glc meds.

1. Recurrent HSV keratitis OD
2. h/o occludable angles OU, s/p LPI OU(revision OD 12/15/10, revision OS   7/17/10)
3. Cataracts OU, non-visually significant
4. glaucoma suspect OU

-Gonioscopy 7/2010:
OD: anterior TM inferiorly, narrow occludable
OS: pigmented TM inferiorly, mildly narrow

-HVF 24-2 OU 4/2010:
OD: unreliable, no real deficits seen
OS: unreliable, some small central defects noted

-RNFL 8/30/2010:
OD: superior and inferior thinning
OS: green 360, no thinning

Ocular Medications:
Brimonidine 1 gtt TID OU
trusopt 1 gtt BID OU, using qd OU
Prednisolone qd od
Acyclovir 400mg BID PO, taking 200mg BID

1. non-DM 07/13/2010 A1C GLYCOHEMOGLOBIN 5.70
Entering Visual Acuity cc
OD: +1.25 +0.75 x015 20/25-1
OS: +2.25 +0.75 x170 20/20

OD: +1.75 +0.50 x005 20/25-1
OS: +2.00 +0.75 x170 20/20

pupils: 2.5 mmL, 3.5 mmD, round and equally reactive 1+, no APD OU

Ocular Tension - TAP
R 16
L 18

slit lamp:
lids: clear OU
conj: clear OU
cornea: OD: diffuse stromal haze c band forming temporally, no active inflammation or dendrite
OS: clear

A/C: deep and quiet OU
OD: LPI patent 9 o'clock
OS: LPI NOT patent at 3 o'clock
lens: 1+ NS OU
ant. vit: syneresis OU

DFE: 1 gtt 2.5% phenylephrine, 1 gtt 1.0% tropicamide OU; AUG 01, 2011 12:50
vitreous: syneresis OU
OD: 0.55/035
OS: 0.4/0.4
nerve: pink, distinct margins OU
macula: clear, flat OU
vessels: healthy, 2/3 OU
periphery: no breaks, holes, tears 360 OU

*photos below of previously active lesion*

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Unable to do Near Work

Guest Post:
Age/Race/Gender: 46 Black Male

CC: 46 yo BM c h/o end stage POAG OU presents for initial low vision evaluation; lost to f/u for > 1 yr.

HPI: Patient describes trouble focusing between near and distance VA c current specs. Typically removes specs for near work. Complains of trouble with glare and photophobia and decreased vision outdoors. Depends on cane for mobility outdoors, especially in the afternoon. No flashes, floaters, or ocular pain.

1. End stage glaucoma s/p TRAB/MMC OU and iridectomy OD/LPI OS - stable IOPs OU s/p April 2010 TRAB surg
2. Superior operculated retinal holes OD - pt with stable h/o photopsia since 1983

2. tobacco use

SHx: attends associate degree program in electrical engineering; extensive work on circuit boards. School has already provided a mounted, lighted magnifier for desk work.

Entering Visual Acuity cc
OD: -3.25 + 0.50 x020 20/25-2
OS: -3.25 + 1.00 x165 20/20-1

OD: -3.00 +0.75 x030 20/25+1
OS: -3.25 +0.50 x135 20/20
Near VA c +1.00 add 20/20 OU

pupils: surgical OD, OS round and reactive 1+, no APD OU by reverse

CVF: severly restricted OD, OS (review of HVF 24-2 2/4/2010) Visual Field restricted to approximately 10 degrees horizontal by 6 degrees vertical in the right eye, 15-20 degrees horizontal by 6 degrees veritcal in the left eye.
EOM: full range of motion OU

Visual goals:
1. Near tasks, reading, studying: circuit boards, textbooks
2. Intermediate goals, computer text and computer glare
3. Problems with indoor/outdoor glare
4. Problems with contrast/lighting outdoors

Device Evaluation:
1. 3X Eschenbach pocket magnifier with LED light over OS with VA: 20/20
2. NoIR filters, pt prefers: light grey
3. Cocoon polarized filters, pt prefers: large, grey

Ocular Tension - TAP @ 8:38 am.
OD: 10
OS: 9

Slit Lamp:
lids: mild MGD OU
conj: ST elevated avascular bleb OU
cornea: scattered PEE OU, +NaFl staining between 3-9 o'clock OU.
tears: TBUT < 3-4 sec OU
A/C: deep and quiet OU
iris: superior iridectomy OD, large superior iridotomy OS
lens: 1+ NS OU
ant. vit: clear OU

Undilated c 90D Volk:
C/D: 0.95 OD, OS
nerve: pale, distinct margins OU
macula: clear, flat OU, +FR OU
vessels: healthy, 2/3 OU

Assessment and Plan in the comments.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Constant Mild Blur OU

Age / Race / Gender:  71 White Male
Chief Complaint: Blurred VA OU
Location: Distance and near
Severity: Mild
Duration: Constant
Relieving Factors: None
Patient Ocular History:

  • s/p CE OD 2006 with corneal decompensation s/p DSEK 2007
  • Cataract OS, stable
  • h/o Postoperative OHTN OD, now off all anti-glaucoma meds
  • Anisometropia
Presenting VA (CC):
R 20/25- NIPH
L 20/30- NIPH
Spectacle Rx:
OD: -0.75 +1.50 x044
OS: -4.50 +0.50 x045
Clinical Findings:
OD: DSEK button, central cornea clear, pigment on endo between 4-8 o'clock at edge of button, -edema
OS: diffuse guttata and scattered pigment on the endothelium, -edema

OD: small retained Descemet's  tissue remnant linearly (horizontal)folded
on self within vitreous prolapse inferiorly, motile
OS: deep and quiet

Lens: PCIOL OD, 2+ NS OS

Assessment and Plan in the comments

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gradual Blurred Vision OU for 6 months

Age / Race / Gender: 47 year old black female
Chief Complaint: Blurry vision OU
Onset: Gradual over the last 6 months.
Location: OU
Severity: mild
Duration: 6 months to a year.
Relieving Factors: Glasses help but need updating.
Patient Ocular History: Last eye exam 3 years prior.  Patient received bifocal glasses.
Family Ocular History: (-) Glaucoma.  
Patient Medical History
  • DM type 2 for 8 years.  Blood sugar levels and HbA1c unknown.   
  • Hypertension for 2 years. 
  • Last Physical exam 1 year prior.  Patient reported normal results and good health.  
Family Medical History: (+) DM type 2. Father, HTN Father.
Review of Systems: Within normal limits
Clinical Findings: BCVA: 20/40 OD, 20/25 OS
Pupils: WNL (-) APD
Conf Fields: Full to finger counting OU
IOP: 17mmHg OD,  16mmHg OS.
Slit Lamp: Anterior segment is clear and WNL, (-) NVI.  Lens was clear.
Dilated Fundus Exam: See Photos below


See the comments for assessment and plan

Monday, May 23, 2011

I was driving to work when I suddenly couldn't see

Age / Race / Gender: 36 year old white female
Chief Complaint: Sudden loss of vision OD
Onset: This AM while driving to work.
Location: Right field of vision
Severity: Moderate
Duration: Started 45 min prior
Relieving Factors: None
Patient Ocular History: No significant history
Family Ocular History: Non-Contributory
Patient Medical History:
  • Patient is currently 6 months pregnant without complications.
  • No HTN
  • No DM
Family Medical History: Non-contributory
Review of Systems: Within normal limits
Clinical Findings: VA: 20/20 OU
Pupils: WNL (-) APD
Conf Fields: Temporal Restriction OD.
IOP: 16mmHg OU
Slit Lamp: WNL
Non-Dilated Retinal View: WNL
See Visual Fields Below:
OS: 9:41am
OD 9:31am
OD: 11:01am
OD: 1:55pm

See the Comments for the Assesment and Plan.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blurred vision in the left eye for 2 weeks

Age / Race / Gender: 55 year old hispanic male
Chief Complaint: Blurry vision OS
Location: OS
Severity: Sever
Duration: 2 weeks
Relieving Factors: none
Patient Ocular History: First eye exam with no previous ocular Hx.
Family Ocular History: Unremakrable
Patient Medical History: Mild HTN and type 2 Diabetes since 2008.
Family Medical History: Non-contributory
Review of Systems: unremarkable
Clinical Finding: 
  • BCVA: 20/20 OD, 20/200 OS
  • EOM: Normal
  • Pupils: Mild APD OS
  • Conf Fields: Full OD, Restricted OS
  • IOP: 15mmHg OU with applination
  • Slit Lamp: Small Corneal scars OU secondary to weld splatter. 
  • BP: 118/79mmHg in office
  • Pulse: 67 bpm
  • Dilated exam: See Photos

Retina OD
Retina OS

The assessment and plan are located in the comments section.