Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blurred vision in the left eye for 2 weeks

Age / Race / Gender: 55 year old hispanic male
Chief Complaint: Blurry vision OS
Location: OS
Severity: Sever
Duration: 2 weeks
Relieving Factors: none
Patient Ocular History: First eye exam with no previous ocular Hx.
Family Ocular History: Unremakrable
Patient Medical History: Mild HTN and type 2 Diabetes since 2008.
Family Medical History: Non-contributory
Review of Systems: unremarkable
Clinical Finding: 
  • BCVA: 20/20 OD, 20/200 OS
  • EOM: Normal
  • Pupils: Mild APD OS
  • Conf Fields: Full OD, Restricted OS
  • IOP: 15mmHg OU with applination
  • Slit Lamp: Small Corneal scars OU secondary to weld splatter. 
  • BP: 118/79mmHg in office
  • Pulse: 67 bpm
  • Dilated exam: See Photos

Retina OD
Retina OS

The assessment and plan are located in the comments section.  

1 comment:

  1. Assessment: CRVO OS
    Plan: Refer patient to PCP for blood work. Monitor condition in 2 weeks.

    Notes: Patient returned in 2 weeks and VA had improved OS to 20/40--. Over the course of the next month he continued to improve and there were no signs of ischemia at 3 months.
